Need to understand the pieces in working with infopath



Here is the business problem I need to solve. We have regional managers
across the country who need to submit form data weekly. I have a senior
manager here who needs to be able to view detail and summary data submitted
by the peoplein the field. It seems to me that InfoPath could handle this.
But I have some quesitons about how this would be handled.

1. I see the forms for entering info, but where is the data stored that is

2.If the field staff need to reuse the form to enter new data each week, how
does InfoPath coordinate that?

3. How can a senior manager retrieve the data that the field people have

4. how can they then drill down into it?

Thank You!


Your users will open the form template (*.xsn) file, and when they fill it
out will be able to submit the data or save the form as a .xml file. That
way they have a blank form each time they need one.

There are a lot of ways to retrieve data and drill into it. The simplest
way is just to have the manager open the saved/submitted form and look at the
values that have been entered. If you want to get more complex (which it
sounds like you do) you can implement a process where the completed forms can
be submitted to a database.

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