Need to use Tab AND Wildcards with replace (I DID Google first)



I found lots and lots of posts about using wildcards and Word's Replace. I
saw solutions for replacing every special character in the universe EXCEPT
the tab. I know that ^13 works instead of ^p, I saw the stuff about being
careful when using ^13, I saw how to get to the table of special characters,
I THINK I saw it all, I read and experimented using more than 25 posts.

But I need to replace TABS while using special characters.

For instance, I want to replace every line that starts with a tab and the
letters "For" (without quotes) with 2 tabs and the rest of the line.



would become:


From what I've seen, I need to be careful and be sure to end the line break,
too, so (and i know this doesn't work, but I'm putting it just for
reference's sake) I would do this:

Replace ^tFor*^l



But what is the ^13 (which more or less replaces ^p when using wildcards)
eqivalent for the TAB (^t) when using special characters? I've tried al
kinds of variations using () and [] in all kinds of places, and for the life
of me I can't get it to work.

ANY help with this would be GREATLY appreciated.

Thanks everybody

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