Need to verify TO recipient



Hello All,

When the user hits send on a custom mail item I have created, I want to make
sure a specific email address is in the To recipient line. How can I do
this? I have tried the code below, but I do not think I am even on the right

Function Item_Send()
dim txt,pos
Set txt = Item.Recipient.Value
'A textual comparison starting at position 4
pos = InStr(txt,"Riley, Jeff",1)
If pos = 0 Then
Item.Recipient.Value = "Riley, Jeff (MVC)" & txt
End If
End Function

Thank you,
Jeff Riley

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

You're on the right track, but the key point that you've missed is that there is no Recipient field. Think about it: An item can have multiple recipients. So, you need to check each one:

Function Item_Send()
Dim blnOKToSend
blnOKToSend = False
For Each recip in Item.Recipients
If recip.Address = "(e-mail address removed)" Then
blnOKToSend = True
Exit For
End If
Item_Send = blnOKToSend
End Function

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Hollis Paul [MVP - Outlook]

Item.Recipient.Value = "Riley, Jeff (MVC)" & txt
It appears that what you are trying to do here is give it to
addressees--Jeff and whoever was in txt. You can't do it that way.
You need to create a new recipient object, add Jeff... To that as a
value. Be sure to set the type properly.

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