Need White Paper on OneNote



Does anyone know where there is a white paper on testing OneNote 2007 with

We are looking to use ON 2007 on a fairly large scale and out IT folks are
nervous. I need some documentation from Microsoft that will put their fears
to rest.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

In what sense? Do you mean in general, like in a shared notebook (and
where the underlying technology (SMB/Mapped Drive/SharePoint) is
irrelevant, or something specific to SharePoint?


The former.

A note, 2009 Planning has been created in ON.

User A is offline, and makes a change to the note.
User B is offline, and makes a change to the note.

Now they both connect and attempt to synch to the shared drive and/or
Sharepoint storage.

Who "wins"?

Rainald Taesler

David said:
A note, 2009 Planning has been created in ON.

User A is offline, and makes a change to the note.
User B is offline, and makes a change to the note.

Now they both connect and attempt to synch to the shared drive
and/or Sharepoint storage.

Who "wins"?

I can not say for Share point (I'm illiterate in so far).
With shared notebooks this is not a problem as synching does not work on
a per file or per page basis but synchs per item (object).

But could try it out easily yourself <g>.


John Waller

User A is offline, and makes a change to the note.
User B is offline, and makes a change to the note.

Now they both connect and attempt to synch to the shared drive and/or
Sharepoint storage.

Who "wins"?

From (former OneNote Program Manager) Chris Pratley's blog article from Sep
2005, "OneNote 12 - Working as a team with shared notebooks":

"The only times you actually see a conflict is when there are two content
modifications to the same paragraph - maybe I changed "great" to "swell" and
you changed it to "awesome". In that case we will pick one winner (the first
one to update the master) and then show a ghosted page that indicates where
the conflict edit is."

See "6. Isn't this just going to cause conflicts all over the place?"


Very nice. I have recently had my attention drawn to the great
possibilities of OneNote and Sharepoint together and this confirms it.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

Synchronization occurs at the paragraph level. Unless there are people
making a change to the same piece of data in the same page, there are no
conflicts. It's rare to find a conflict.

Rainald Taesler

Erik said:
Synchronization occurs at the paragraph level. Unless there are
people making a change to the same piece of data in the same page,
there are no conflicts. It's rare to find a conflict.

AFAICS no problem with the same Page.
As you correctly say synching works with *paragraphs* so a conflict may
arise only if the same paragraph is touched.


John Waller

Actually I need some thing I can print for them.

IT people want to read printed documents? That's a first :)
They have lots of questions
concerning scalability, stability and the whole gammut.

Would be helpful to have a sample of the kind of specific questions they've
got. I suspect the answers are scattered over the web.

There's no single online resource of whitepaper I'm aware of, I'm afraid.

Much of my understanding of OneNote has come from Chris Pratley's blog (when
he was ON PM) and this forum.

Have they tried stress testing ON in a Sharepoint sandpit and seeing if
they're happy with its performance?

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