Need your advice



I have my database in my regular computer, and would like
to transfer all my data to my Laptop.
What is the best way to transfer only the tables?

Every second weekend I will transfer all data to my
Laptop, and add/edit information during the weekend. And
the following Monday I will transfer all data back to my
regular computer.

The 2 computer will be connected via Local Network.


Roger Carlson

First of all, the database should be split into a front-end (FE) and a
back-end (BE). The BE has only the tables and the FE has everything else
with the tables from the BE linked in. Then it is a simple matter to just
copy the tables.

If no one else is using the database, I would use some program like
PCAnywhere to synchronize the files. PCA will use file synchronization.

If others are using it and you want to merge your data with others, then use
Access Replication, which will synchronize the data at the record level.
Alison Balter has written several books that show how to do this.


Hi, Roger

I have a single user application.
I would like to have 2 event buttons
1. to copy all tables form my Desktop to the Lap Top (on
2. to copy all tables form my Lap Top to my Desktop (on

I already created the FE and BE.
Now I have 2 options.
1. Delete the BE file and copy it from the other computer
2. Delete all tables and insert it from the other computer

What is best?


Roger Carlson

I would copy the entire BE to the laptop and back again. VB has a FileCopy
command that will work if you can Share the drives. Otherwise, you'd have
to copy it up to the network on the desktop computer, then copy it down on
the laptop. As I said, I use PCAnywhere, although this still requires the
desktop to have a drive share.



I really appreciate your help

Actually I will connect the Lap Top to my desktop with a
network cable, and will not use any other network

Like use said, I'll only replace the BE file

If possible, I would like to have a button on a form that
will copy the BE file to the other location

Should I make a Macro?

Can you please help me with the commands?

Locations & Name of files
Computer name = MyDesktop

Computer name = MyLapTop

Thanks again

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