Needed a example for exporting from MS-Project to Excel


nac171 nac171


i am trying to export the data from msproject to excel using macros ,so
can any 1 send me 1 example with syntax for this.
I know that we have to use SAVE AS method..but i am not sure which
argument TO INCLUDE.


Rob Schneider

nac171 said:

i am trying to export the data from msproject to excel using macros ,so
can any 1 send me 1 example with syntax for this.
I know that we have to use SAVE AS method..but i am not sure which
argument TO INCLUDE.


Why not turn on Macro Recording, then do a manula File/Save As, pick
maps, pick filters, etc. then look at result in the recorded macro.

nac171 nac171

hi rob
thanx for ur reply.

Right now i am using vb macro (like vb.. forms).
I invoke the form with the help of short cut keys in msproject.
There is a button in the form named "Export to excel".so when i press this
button, it asks for the file name and should export all the data. from
msproject to that Excel file .
I have done this but it calls the "WIZARD"
i dont want the wizard instead it should export direclty to the excel

So can u send me 1 sample code which does all this thing


Gérard Ducouret

Hello nac171,

First of all, you have to creat a map (with the Wizard, why not?) the name
of which is "Exemple" in my VBA proc.
Then you can adapt the following VBA procedure :

Sub ExportExcel()
DisplayAlerts = False
FileSaveAs Name:="C:\Documents and Settings\PragmaAdm\Mes
documents\MP1.xls", FormatID:="MSProject.XLS5", map:="Exemple"
End Sub

Of course, the name of the Excel file (MP1.xls in this example) would be a

Hope this help,

Gérard Ducouret

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