Negative Data Bar Conditional Formating



Using a data bar conditional format, is it possible to start a zero value in
the middle of a cell and go right if positive and left if negative? Or can
the bar be reversed and go from the right to the left (right justified)?

I am trying to visually represent a percentage so that negative percentages
are the reverse of positive percentages.

IE -50% may look like
and 50% may look like
and 10% like

(Hopefully that all reads all right).

I can put the negative values in a separate cell (to the left of the
positive) if necessary. This would workwith negative percentage bars
starting on the right (at the zero point in between the cells) and running to
the left and positive values beginning at the left side of their cell (zero)
and running to the right (how it currently displays).

Am I asking too much? Is this possible? Or do need to insert a graph for
each row?


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