Negative image in field for report


Nathan Vanderslice

I've been working on numerous problems with trying to set up a database and
report for a project that I am working on but have had to resort to a two
step process of creating a report with the fields positioned properly as a
printable overlay on a modified version of the original form. I then created
a form in the DB to fill out the information needed. One of the fields
needed was for the state, and I used a list box to a table of the 50 states.
I discovered as I was filling out the info, that as I went through to enter
each new record that the state field stayed on the last entry (which is fine
as most of the records use the same state) but when I went to look at the
report, what showed up was the first state on the list. Okay, no problem, I
went through all of the records and changed the state by the repeated key
stroke method. That is typing the first letter of the state needed until
that state came up. It worked fine for the actual data, but apparently
because I did not tab onto another field before going to the next record, it
left the field displaying white on a black background. I've tried deleting
the report and recreating it with the same results I've also tried deleting
and replacing the state field in design view in the form with no change.
Looking at the table, there is no problem, but when I go to either the form
page, or report page, it shows up as a negative image (white on black). Is
there any way to fix this without having to delete all the records and start
over, or worse yet, delete the form and or table itself?

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