Negative Numbers



I'm putting togethet a spreadsheet for my employees bonuses. One of my
bonuses is a % of the profit made in our business. My current function is
something like this =c3*.04, so if c3 is %1,000.00, then the cell brings
$40.00, which is great. But, sometimes the profit is negative, such as,
$(1,000.00). Which if you kept the same equation, would bring back,
$(40.00), making my emloyees owe me $40.00. I can't seem to figure out how
to make it so that if the profit is positive it will calculat the equation,
but if it is negative, to just leave it alone, or atleast bring back $0.00 to
the cell. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Gord Dibben

=MAX(0,(C3*0.04)) to return a 0


=IF(C3*0.04<0,"",C3*0.04) to leave it blank

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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