Could you please help me with this formula. I am trying to use a nested IF
and AND
formula to calculate the vaction days for full time employess with different
service years. I need to nest 3 different answers. Here is my formula that
keeps getting rejected:
=IF(And([Status]="FT",[Years Employed]>=4,15,IF([Years
Employed]=2>4,10,IF([Years Employed]=1<2,5,0))).
What am I not doing right??
Could you please help me with this formula. I am trying to use a nested IF
and AND
formula to calculate the vaction days for full time employess with different
service years. I need to nest 3 different answers. Here is my formula that
keeps getting rejected:
=IF(And([Status]="FT",[Years Employed]>=4,15,IF([Years
Employed]=2>4,10,IF([Years Employed]=1<2,5,0))).
What am I not doing right??