Need help with building nested if formula.
Have following columns: date of hire, date of separation, date of salary
increase, old pay, new pay, amount of increase, and months of the year.
Trying to build statement that would display monthly salary for months worked
(show blanks outside this range. For example if employee worked from march to
august, display salary for the same months. Outside this range show zero.
Also if in may emplyee got increase in july show old salary for march thru
june and for july thru august a new wage. Is this doable. Please help.
Have following columns: date of hire, date of separation, date of salary
increase, old pay, new pay, amount of increase, and months of the year.
Trying to build statement that would display monthly salary for months worked
(show blanks outside this range. For example if employee worked from march to
august, display salary for the same months. Outside this range show zero.
Also if in may emplyee got increase in july show old salary for march thru
june and for july thru august a new wage. Is this doable. Please help.