I am trying to write a formula using the IF funciton. The formula itself is
fine. My problem is, though, I need more than just seven conditions. I
actually need 12
The formula currently reads like this:
=IF(A12<=0,0, IF(A12<=5, 2.5, IF(A12<=10,5, IF(A12<=15, 7.5, IF(A12<=20,10,
IF(A12<=25, 12.5, IF(A12<=30, 15, IF(A12<=35, 17.5))))))))
As can be seen, this formula criteria goes in increments of 5. I need to be
able to expland this formula to include amounts for <=40, <=45, <=50, <=55,
<=60, which would mean I would need 5 more IF statements in that string.
However, it will not let me go beyond eight of them. Does anyone have an
idea of how I can get around this and make my formula work?