I am having a hard time figuring out how to get my
formula to work without getting this error (DIV/0)
what I am trying to do is check a number in several cells
and then either display "PD" or the %of change - the
problem I have is once one of the cells goes to zero I
get the div/o error - what I want it do display is just
0% change.
so in my example formula below (in cell E30) needs to
If Cell D30 >=2.0 or Cell D28=0 AND E28>0 then
display "PD"
If Cell D30="PD" and Cell E28>0 then display "PD"
that part seems to work fine - (and there may be an
easier way to do it - I am not sure) - the problem I run
into is when I run the next section of my formula:
I need it to check the value in Cell E28 subtract that
from the minumum value in the previous cells starting
with C28 (and in this example through D28) and then
divide it by the minmum number again (I am tracking a
nadir value). But what happens is that once the previous
cell (in this example d28) is 0 then I get the error. I
can't figure out a way to either prevent the error from
showing up or displaying 0%. Please help.
I have tried the below formulas without any success:
28)))) - this gives a blank in
cell E30 but a "PD" in cell f30
28)))) - this gives a circular
reference but enters a 0 in cell e30 but then a zero in
all the following cells
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
I am having a hard time figuring out how to get my
formula to work without getting this error (DIV/0)
what I am trying to do is check a number in several cells
and then either display "PD" or the %of change - the
problem I have is once one of the cells goes to zero I
get the div/o error - what I want it do display is just
0% change.
so in my example formula below (in cell E30) needs to
If Cell D30 >=2.0 or Cell D28=0 AND E28>0 then
display "PD"
If Cell D30="PD" and Cell E28>0 then display "PD"
that part seems to work fine - (and there may be an
easier way to do it - I am not sure) - the problem I run
into is when I run the next section of my formula:
I need it to check the value in Cell E28 subtract that
from the minumum value in the previous cells starting
with C28 (and in this example through D28) and then
divide it by the minmum number again (I am tracking a
nadir value). But what happens is that once the previous
cell (in this example d28) is 0 then I get the error. I
can't figure out a way to either prevent the error from
showing up or displaying 0%. Please help.
I have tried the below formulas without any success:
cell E30 but a "PD" in cell f30
reference but enters a 0 in cell e30 but then a zero in
all the following cells
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.