My spreadsheet has a calculation that compares material available (both in
inventory and ready to ship to a production facility) to material required
for production. The ready to ship materials are packed in containers of
varying quantites. What the following formula is supposed to do is count the
number of containers needed for each material so that the total (in inventory
and shipable) is equal to or greater than the quantity required for
production. There are 60 different materials (rows).
Column K shows the quantity of material needed (and is shown as a negative
Columns L-AC show the quantity of material in each container.
I can ship a limit of 24 containers at a time but, if a particular material
requires more than 7 containers, this formula shows the total number of
continers rather than the number needed.
I've looked at some of the solutions that have been offered for similar
problems but did not see one that fit what I was seeking.
inventory and ready to ship to a production facility) to material required
for production. The ready to ship materials are packed in containers of
varying quantites. What the following formula is supposed to do is count the
number of containers needed for each material so that the total (in inventory
and shipable) is equal to or greater than the quantity required for
production. There are 60 different materials (rows).
Column K shows the quantity of material needed (and is shown as a negative
Columns L-AC show the quantity of material in each container.
I can ship a limit of 24 containers at a time but, if a particular material
requires more than 7 containers, this formula shows the total number of
continers rather than the number needed.
I've looked at some of the solutions that have been offered for similar
problems but did not see one that fit what I was seeking.