Jim Dixon
I've got to apply a proportional tax to gasoline, $.0012 per gallon starting
April 1. Easy so far, but it's according to how much petroleum is in the
product, which causes no problems until you get to what is called E-85...85%
alcohol, and 15% gasoline, depending on the month of the year (also on the
state selling it, but let's not go there, yet).
Basically, the product is 25% gas from October to March, 20% gas in April &
May, and August & September, and 15% gas in June and July.
Anyone have any ideas? I can just wrap my head around an IF..THEN
statement, but when you nest them I start getting dizzy, it must be my
wife's blonde hair affecting me.
April 1. Easy so far, but it's according to how much petroleum is in the
product, which causes no problems until you get to what is called E-85...85%
alcohol, and 15% gasoline, depending on the month of the year (also on the
state selling it, but let's not go there, yet).
Basically, the product is 25% gas from October to March, 20% gas in April &
May, and August & September, and 15% gas in June and July.
Anyone have any ideas? I can just wrap my head around an IF..THEN
statement, but when you nest them I start getting dizzy, it must be my
wife's blonde hair affecting me.