Here's the deal:
Think of this as a royalties issue. Depending on the sales for a specific
month, the percentage of royalties due will change. Say January sales were
$1,850,00 (A1). Then the royalties would be 3%:
Sales less than: Royalty %:
$1,000,000 1%
$1,700,000 2%
$1,800,000 3%
$1,900,000 4%
$2,000,000 5%
.....and so on
I am tired of nesting my if statments and am wondering if there is some
other formula or something that would work? (if(A1<=2Mill, 5%, if(A1<1.9Mill,
Please help me unnest my if statements!
Think of this as a royalties issue. Depending on the sales for a specific
month, the percentage of royalties due will change. Say January sales were
$1,850,00 (A1). Then the royalties would be 3%:
Sales less than: Royalty %:
$1,000,000 1%
$1,700,000 2%
$1,800,000 3%
$1,900,000 4%
$2,000,000 5%
.....and so on
I am tired of nesting my if statments and am wondering if there is some
other formula or something that would work? (if(A1<=2Mill, 5%, if(A1<1.9Mill,
Please help me unnest my if statements!