Nested If statements


Robert Christie

I'm trying to name a .TXT file opened in excel, if cell A2 contains within
it's value the words "List........".
I was able to name the first "Output1" but on running the code on the
another file error 1004 appeared saying I cannot name the file with the same
Could you explain the error in my code?
Or a different method.

If Range("A2").Value <> "List with Date of Birth" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "Output1"
If Range("A2").Value <> "List of School Card" Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "Output2"
If Range("A2").Value <> "List of ATSI Students with " Then
ActiveSheet.Name = "Output3"
End If
End If
End If

Thank you


Bob C
Using Windows XP Home + Office 2003 Pro

Otto Moehrbach

The parameter "<>" means "doesn't equal". The way you wrote your
arguments in the 3 "If" statements, each is true if A2 is "Doodle". In
fact, each of the 3 are True if A2 is anything other than what that "If"
statement uses. I can't offer a correction because I don't know what you
want to do with those "If" statements. Please post back with the logic you
want to use. HTH Otto

Robert Christie

Hi Otto

Thank you for your reply.
The parameter I require is If A2 contains the string "List with date...."
then name that sheet "Output1".
I'm opening three .TXT files which do not indicate in their names what
particular student information data they hold, but the A2 cell does. So I
would like to check part of A2 content and name the each sheet in order they
order of use. The .TXT files are reports generatered from another computer
system and are not allways produced in the same order.
HTH you understand my requirments.

Regards Bob C

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