Nested If



I have tried several ways and cannot get this to work. My problem is this:

when doing nested if D11=344,895, D12=895,202, and D13=976,281. Now I need
my nested if to work so if D11 is >900,000 it's 4%, if>600,000 its 2%, and if
its <600,000 its 1%. Everytime i do this, or try I should say, it comes up
something different everytime. I would really like to be able to use a
VLOOKUP but How do you get it to understand that if the cell is >900,000 its
4%? I did my table (K6)>900,000 which L6 is 4%; (K7)>600,00 which L7 is 2%
and so on. I just named my table Percentage_Paid. No matter what I try either
Nested IF or a VLOOKUP I get errors. Can somebody help? Hopefully I made
sense. Thank you in advance.

Mike H


I,m not sure what the steps are in your table so I created this one in K18 -
L20 but it can be anywhere. Note the table is sorted ascending on Column K.
10000 2%
60000 4%
900000 6%
I then used this formula

Using the TRUE switch means it will look for the neaest value equal to or
less than the lookup value but again for this type of lookup the table must
be sorted.



Now for my Table I tried to state in it the greater than and less than
900000 4%
600000 2% Does ascending or descending make a differnce?
<600000 1% Or is it the < > messing me up?

How do you get the cell that you want to put in your lookup formula to
understand that if it is greater than or less than these amounts it will be
that %? The above is one way I tried my table with the > and/or > sign in it
but I get errors.
I did my =VLOOKUP same as you but I know its the < or > sign messing me up.
I need serious help. This is so frustrating. I thought a nested if would be
easier but that is just as difficult. I still get errors. Why Why Why? Sorry
I am a little frustrated. Any more suggestions on how to get this to work
would be so helpful.



Also when doing the vlookup does it make a difference that the cells being
used to lookup the values in the table are linked to another workbook. I
didn't think this would make a difference, but maybe it does, in other words:

976,281 are cells D11:D13 in a custum format. Not sure exactly but it
shows up like $ 344,895 with zero decimals. These are the cells I
need to go to the table to get the percent. that is why it is < or >. But as
I said it does not work and for some reason the bottom two numbers came out
1% when they should have been 2% and 4%. The first number came out #N/A. Can
you explain and help me on this again? Thank you in advance.

Then i use the VLOOKUP table

900,000 4%
600,000 2%
600,000 1%

Thank again. I don't mean to be a pest, but I am seriously stuck.

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