Nested IF


James Hamilton


I want to do a SUMIF but on more than one condition. For example:

3 Apple Green
4 Orange Blue
4 Pear Yellow
5 Orange Blue
6 Orange Red

I want to sum the amounts in column A, based on column B and C. In this
case, sum the amounts in column A for Oranges in column B and Blue in Column

Any help would be appreciated.


Roger Govier

Hi James

One way


Roger Govier

Jim Rech

I think Roger meant:


| Sum product is not working..... coming up with "0".
| Any other ideas?
| "Roger Govier" wrote:
| > Hi James
| >
| > One way
| > =SUMPRODUCT(--($B$2:$B$5="Oranges"),--($C$2:$C$5="Blue"),$A$1:$A$5)
| >
| > Regards
| >
| > Roger Govier
| >
| >
| > James Hamilton wrote:
| > > Hi,
| > >
| > > I want to do a SUMIF but on more than one condition. For example:
| > >
| > > A B C
| > > 3 Apple Green
| > > 4 Orange Blue
| > > 4 Pear Yellow
| > > 5 Orange Blue
| > > 6 Orange Red
| > >
| > > I want to sum the amounts in column A, based on column B and C. In
| > > case, sum the amounts in column A for Oranges in column B and Blue in
| > > C.
| > >
| > > Any help would be appreciated.
| > >
| > > James
| > >
| >

Roger Govier

Apologies James

I mistyped. It should be

Ranges must be of equal size in sumproduct. I typed a 1 instead of 2 for the
range in column A and I typed "Oranges" instead of "Orange" for the
criterion in column B.

Must be time to get the coffee pot brewing again!!!


Roger Govier

James Hamilton


I picked up the mistake with the "orange" vs "oranges" ...... and I looked
up the sumproduct function at work today, and it appears to be a
multiplication function based on arrays. I want to SUM a column based on a
SUMIF of two columns - not sure if SUMPRODUCT would do this?

Thanks - (e-mail address removed)

Roger Govier

Hi James

" O ye of little faith ....!!!!"

Try it and see. If the data is as you say, then the formula given will
return the value 9.


Roger Govier

James Hamilton

Hi Roger,

Thanks again - I'll try it again at work and lete you know how it goes.

By the way, I added the "conditional sum" add in today, and that makes it
work and uses the { bracket at the start and end of the formula - never seen
that before. The only thing with that is that you can't amend the formula,
it's a strange one.

I would have thought that MS would have a function that allows more than one
condition in the SUMIF function.



James Hamilton


It worked a treat - many thanks.

Hey, what's with the -- in the formula?


Roger Govier

Hi James.

Glad it worked for you. Thanks for the feedback.

The -- (double unary minus) is used to coerce the True/False results into
1's and 0's.

So in the first part of the formula the False, True, False, True, True
result from testing whether the value in cells B2:B5 = "Orange"
get changed to 0,1,0,1,1. The second part becomes 0,1,0,1,0.
So with 3,4,4,5,6 as your values in column A we get
0*0*3 =0
1*1*4 =4
0*0*4 =0
1*1*5 =5
1*0*6 =0

which get summed to give your result of 9.


Roger Govier

James Hamilton

Hi Roger,

Thanks for taking the time to explain this.

I mucked around with the formula a bit more and got it to work without the
doubly unary minus signs (hyphens to me!).

Although a different example, my formula is

and so it looks for "orange" in column B, "blue" in column C and "yes" in
column D, then sums the relevant numbers in column A

Is this incorrect; do yuo have to use the double unary minus signs?

Thanks again,

james DOT hamilton AT optusnet DOT COM DOT AU

Roger Govier

Hi James

Glad you are sorted.
No you don't have to use the double unary. I always used to use the "*" ( or
"+" if you want OR in stead of AND) but I was guided by a very good treatise
on Sumproduct by Bob Phillips.

Take a look at
It is a fairly long article, but well worth the read.


Roger Govier

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