nested iif for MDX statement for FTE calc...


Tom B

OK, I have built an MDX statement for OLAP cube, that will create an
estimated FTE WORK number...basically it works this way WORK / 168 hours =
FTE Work, assumption is 168 hours in a given month...also, same goes for FTE
Capacity, where CAPACITY/ 168 hours = FTE Capacity.

This works as long as each month has 168 there a way to put a
nested if, so the denominator in the above formulas uses is such so that , if
Nov 2008, divide by 144 hours...if Dec 2008 divide by on and so
on...if Nov 2009 use 152...this will give a much more accurate FTE calc
result, which is based upon the calendar hours...if I assign 1 unit to a
project for 12 months, then my FTE number in the cubes will be exactly
correct if I use a nested iif or a lookup table with the correct values. Any
thoughts or suggestions (other than give up) :)

Thanks everyone.

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