Thanks Jay,
My question isn't really about getting the bold text into the TOC. I
understand how to use TC fields to insert "extra" entries into the TOC. What
I am trying to determine is whether Word has the capability of having a
paragraph style which will allow your to apply the character styls "bold" up
to the first period in the paragraph? I am thinking that it is not an option
but I wanted to throw it out anyway. I am working on very large documents
(2000+ pages) and we use numbered headings for all of our TOC level
organization but also use bold leading sentences to organize some lower level
InDesign allows for the application of character styles (bold, italic, etc.)
from a designated point (e.g. the start of a paragraph) to another designated
point (e.g. the first period or the third space (if you just wanted to bold
the first three words of a paragraph)) while retaining the rest of the
paragraph in the original paragraph style. It is a convenient feature and
allows for the assignment of embedded document navigation features by just
clicking in the paragraph and assigning a paragraph style.
As I mentioned in my earlier post, it's not a deal breaker. I use Word for
90% of my word processing and publishing and that's not going to change. I
just wondered if anyone had found an undocumented capability in Word that I
had not yet stumbled upon.
There are just too many instances of setting the first sentence to bold in
the long documents to use the TC feature and I would probably only confuse
others who might view the documents with non-printing characters displayed.
Thanks for responding.