Nesting formulas



I need to be able to create an "if" function that will populate to a couple
other "if" functions within itself.

What I'm trying to do is get one cell to look at the information entered in
another one, and if that cell gets to a certain number, to change the
equation to watch for a new number in that cell.

Example: Employee group one gets a pay raise when he hits 10, 25, and 50
sales. Employee group two gets a payraise when he hits 15, 25, and 55 sales.
How do I set a cell to say what level (1, 2, 3) the person is at currently?

curious engineer

See if the following might help. You would need to creat another formula for
each Employee group because they get raises at different levels. For Employee
Group 1
this should help

=IF(AND(D3>9,D3<25),1,IF(AND(D3>24,D3<50),2,IF(D3>49,3,"no raise")))

This is assuming that the number of sales is in cell D3, and the status
showing what level for a raise they have reached is where this formula will
reside. Hope this helps

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