Net profit chart




I need your help regarding a problem with Excel. I am trying to create a net
cash flow chart, with the net cash as the vertical axis and time as the
horizontal axis; I have the values in the table. The real problem now the
chart wizard doesn’t create the chart as I want I have 2 values on week 6 for
example one is negative the other is positive, I want it drawn as a single
line that goes down with the negative value than up to the positive value.
After that I want to calculate the areas both positive and negative so I can
calculate the net profit.

Thanks in advance


P.S. Below is the table that I want to turn into chart.

Time Net
0 92
6 -28
6 50
10 -24
10 46
14 -74
14 -11
18 -101
18 -27.5
21 47.5
21 7
25 7
25 30

John Mansfield


You can set all of your data up in the following format where column b is
the low point, column c is the high point, and columns a and d are the
averages of column b and c:

a b c d
Week 0 46 0 92 46
Week 6 11 -28 50 11
Week 10 11 -24 46 11

Then, use the "Open-High-Low-Close" stock chart from the Wizard using a
"column" series. You can modify the chart from there to show exactly what
you want.


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