.net reference not using gac pia


Aaron Lind

Does anyone know why a reference to the Visio library does not make a
reference to the visio pia in the global assembly cache? I installed
the office pia .exe and verified that the
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio dll is available in the gac. I also
reinstalled Visio 2003 and I am also using visual studio .net 2003.
Word and excel correctly map to their corresponding gac pias but Visio
wants to create a local version. Any help would be grealy appeciated.



Aaron Lind

Well, it seems that the option you are talking about is not available
in the add/remove programs. Here's the deal, I had Visio 2002 and
then used the Visio disk that came with Visual Studio 1.1 that was the
upgrade to Visio labeled Visio 2003. In the add/remove programs it is
called "Microsoft Visio for Enterprise Architects SR-1". This does
not have the option you mentioned above. Now, if this Enterprise
Architects version cannot be used (not the true Visio 2003), can I
somehow get this to work with the Visio 2002 version? I downloaded
the MSDN Visio and .net samples and the reference the projects already
have to visio have the correct reference to the gac
Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio. and they compile and run correctly.
So what am I missing here. Everytime I choose visio (which does list
it as 2002) I get a local copy? Thanks for your help in this matter.


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