This is happening because the connection string (the one who points to
back-end database) is stored into the front-end MDB, in Connect property of
the Tabledef object
There are two ways to solve this problem:
1. Install the front end MDB to each user's PC, so each front end will work
with its own connection string, which will contains locally mapped drive.
With this approach you'll minimize also the network traffic, but when you
update the application, you have to be sure you update it on all your PC's
2. If you want to keep both front end and back end MDB's on shared drive,
you need to create your own relink procedure. It should first check if
tables are relinked, if not ask for a the path tp BE database, then, convert
it to UNC path and use UNC path in connection string. This is because all
PC's from a network are able to access the shared resource using exactly the
same UNC path (\\servername\sharename\path_to_MDB).
There is still an exception here. You won't be able to run the app on the PC
which act as server, since for it the path to the back-end is local path,
which cannot be converted to UNC.But if tyhat PC is used as a server only,
so noone works on it, you won't have this problem.
If you have any further questions, you can contact me.
Bogdan Zamfir
Independent consultant