Network Error after Compact




I've noticed that whenever I do a Compact/Repair on the
backend of one of my most important network-databases, I
somehow "break" the link to its tables. After doing this
I get the Opened Exclusive or Read Only error, and I can
also no longer just go view the file from other computers
on the network. This only happens after a Compact/Repair
on the backend. It is EXTREMELY frustrating. I can
overcome the problem by moving the file somewhere else
and relinking it.

Things I've checked to solve it:

1. Folder Permissions are all appropriately set.
2. Individual file permissions are all appropriately set.
3. Temporary files created in folder are deleted or non

It's a very strange problem, and it is quickly fixed
simply by moving and relinking the tables, but this is a
workaround I'd rather not have to deal with. The file
becomes inaccessable over the network after the
compact/repair. I can see it to open it, but if I try it
says something along the lines of

Could not find file //Server/Databases/TrackingBE.mdb

Any suggestions?



If the file works in another network location, the problem is almost
certainly with your folder permissions, even if you think you have checked

Compact/Repair actually creates a new file and copies the contents of your
mdb into it, then renames it to the old name. So to the network, this is
not the same file. It will only have the permissions which the folder sets
as default for new files.

- Turtle

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