Network Passwords for email POP accounts not saved in password lis


Luis Anduze

I have a Dell laptop (Model Precision M90) running Windows XP and Office
2007. It worked fine until I decided to install Symantec Internet Security
2007. After the installation the open programs buttons did not show in the
taskbar. I fixed that by deleting the respective key registry. The problem
now is that every time I want to send or receive POP email using Outlook I
keep getting the “Enter Network Password†popup window. I have three accounts
and if I enter their respective password I am able to receive and/or send
email. However, the passwords are not saved in my password list even though
all boxes for that purpose are checked. I followed all the instructions under and I still have the problem. I
uninstalled IS 2007 but keep getting the same problem. After uninstalling IS
2007 performed the instruction under the same bulletin as before and I keep
getting the same problem. I deleted the mail profile, created a new one with
no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks. Luis Anduze

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