Network Security multiple users, Getting rid of the warning messag


Daniel Lees


I am implementing a database that is to be shared on a network. I was
wondering with the access security when a user is logged on and some1 else
tries to log on with the same correct details what happens? Are they allowed
on or does it say already logged on and not let u on?

Another question is to do with the annoying security messages, is there a
way to get rid of these for a particular database but keep them for all other
files that are oppened. I don't want to put everybodies settings on low but i
dont' want the annoying message to come up everytime they open my database.



Vanessa Jennings

if they are using the same system.mdw they can login as many times as they
like from different locations, there is no lock (that I have found).
not sure about the message - must admit I have switched it to low to get rid
of it!

Vanessa Jennings

I have been running a shared database for quite a while and havent found a
block, if people are attached to the same system.mdw.
must admit I have switched mine to low for users to get rid of the message
so sorry I cant help on that one.

Vanessa Jennings

I have been running a shared database for quite a while and havent found a
block, if people are attached to the same system.mdw.
must admit I have switched mine to low for users to get rid of the message
so sorry I cant help on that one.

Daniel Lees

Yeh just been able to test it, it worked thanks alot :D

Still got them messages grrrr, will have to put every1 down to low.



'69 Camaro

Hi, Danny.
I was
wondering with the access security when a user is logged on and some1 else
tries to log on with the same correct details what happens?

First, for security purposes, it's not a good idea to have multiple people
sharing the same User ID and password.

A user can log on multiple times, as long as only 255 total log ons
(connections) are made to the Access database file. After that, the users
trying to connect will receive an error message that there are already 255
Another question is to do with the annoying security messages, is there a
way to get rid of these for a particular database but keep them for all other
files that are oppened.

If you're referring to Access 2003 Macro Security, then you can do one of
the following:

1.) Set Macro Security level to low; or
2.) Digitally sign the database file and have all users who will be opening
this database "trust" this digital signature; or
3.) Use Automation Security to open an instance of Access and the database
file with Access Macro Security set to low, regardless of the workstation's
current setting. This won't work with Access databases where User-level
Security has been implemented, but it will work in other circumstances, as
long as scripts are enabled on the workstation. Please see the following Web
page for the script:


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips and tutorials. for contact info.

Daniel Lees


Thanks for the hlep, just one final thing. How do i assign a digital
signature to the database and how do ppl allow that signature?



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