To answer the question, we need to know what type of CPU you have (Intel or
Power PC?), what version of OS you are using (three digits please: e.g. OS
10.5.2) and which version of Word you are using (again, three digits please)
Get the OS version from the Apple menu, and the Word version from the About
item on the Word menu.
It say's a file error has occurred. "Ck your network connections and make sure
the disk is properly inserted and not defective.
Don't wait for your answer, click here:
Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:
[email protected]