Network Sharing an Access 2000 File



I have about four computers networked. They all see each
other and are sharing files with ease. There is a shared
drive on the main computer(server) that the other
computers can see, read and write to.

Recently a new Access 2000 database file was created on
this drive. I set the file to be shared with the other
computers from the server, but when they all attempt to
access the file it reports that it is a read-only file.
even though it isn't. Each computer has Access 2000
installed on them.

How do I enable other users to use this file?

Duane Hookom

Each user must be able to create and delete files in the mdb's

Damon Heron

Just a guess, but go to the file and right click, check the properties and
make sure it isn't checked read-only. This can happen if file was copied
from a cd onto the drive....


That's just it. Each user has Full control.
-----Original Message-----
Each user must be able to create and delete files in the mdb's

Duane Hookom
MS Access MVP



Nah that box is cleared.
-----Original Message-----
Just a guess, but go to the file and right click, check the properties and
make sure it isn't checked read-only. This can happen if file was copied
from a cd onto the drive....


Duane Hookom

If the any user opens Windows Explorer, can they right-click in the
directory and select New|Text File to add a file to the directory?

Albert D. Kallal

Hum, you should be able to open that mdb file on those other pc's.

Can you copy the file from that sever to a local pc, and then use the file
without trouble?

As mentioned, all users need full permissions to that directory. Full
permissions means both read/write and create AND DELETE ability. ms-access
actually creates a locking file on the server when the first user opens the
file. If a locking file CAN NOT be created, then the file is opened read

This hints that other users do NOT have permissions to create files in the
same directory as where the access database is. This is why one poster
suggested you fire up note pad, and try creating a non ms-access file in
that directory. In fact, try creating any old file with word, or excel in
that dir on the server where ms-access is (we are talking about testing this
from one of the pc's ...and not doing this on the that would be
silly, and yield no useful information) If you can create other office
documents like word, or excel in that directory from those work stations,
then your permissions are ok, and we have to look else where for a problem.
However, this is one thing you do want to test!


I believe the .mdb file was originally created on one of
the workstations but then moved to the group drive. I'll
go ahead and try the test first though.


Can 1 person read and write to the database? If 1 can but 2+ cant the
its a question of how your database file and your file on the client
are setup.

Ideally each one should have the database file on thier local pc, an
then you use the Linked Table Manager (under tools I believe) to lin
thier local table to the database file on the network drive

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