New 2007 install screwed up?


Bob Newman

After a new install when I launch the program before a blank page comes up I
get an error message saying "the function you are attempting to run contains
macros..." in another area of the box is explains, "This error usually
occurs because of macro security settings. If you know that the macro comes
from a source that you trust...". Why it is talking of macros I have no
idea, I am just trying to open the program to a new document. To get rid of
the error screen you must click the okay button 6 times before it disappears
and the new document appears.


Bob Newman

Bob Newman said:
After a new install when I launch the program before a blank page comes up
I get an error message saying "the function you are attempting to run
contains macros..." in another area of the box is explains, "This error
usually occurs because of macro security settings. If you know that the
macro comes from a source that you trust...". Why it is talking of macros
I have no idea, I am just trying to open the program to a new document.
To get rid of the error screen you must click the okay button 6 times
before it disappears and the new document appears.


One more nutty thing. When I am closing Word 2007 (without saving any
document) I will frequently get the error message: "Changes have been made
that affect the global template, normal.dotm. Do you want to save those

What's up with that???



Bob Newman said:
One more nutty thing. When I am closing Word 2007 (without saving any document) I will frequently get the error message:
"Changes have been made that affect the global template, normal.dotm. Do you want to save those changes?"

What's up with that???

I'm assuming the same annoying little bug that was in Word 2003 is appearing in 2007. Just ignore it and click YES, it makes no
changes to It's just a pain in the arse.


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