Thanks for posting this information - and yes, custom forms do throw a
monkey wrench into troubleshooting issues. Especially when we don't know
what you customized and how.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
How to ask a question:
After furious head scratching, Fred Boer asked:
| Dear Milly:
| I've resolved this issue. Thanks for offering to help. If you are
| interested in the solution, I describe it below. Basically it boils
| down to my own stupidity, with a twist!

| I am a new hire working with an existing Outlook installation. The
| installation uses a custom Contacts form. I was teaching myself about
| Outlook, and began by experimenting with using the default Contacts
| form. I used the default Contacts form to enter myself into Outlook
| as a new contact. I used the "Full Name" button, and entered my name
| using the pop-up form. Using this form, my "Full Name" was listed as
| "Fred Boer".
| BUT! Previous data entry, using the *custom* form, (for all existing
| contacts), had entered the full name in the format "Lastname,
| Firstname". And, (yes it was as simple as this...), when listing
| contacts, I was looking for "Boer, Fred" (in the "FullName" column),
| instead of looking for "Fred Boer". Since all the existing contacts
| have had this field filled with data entered in "Lastname, Firstname"
| format, it didn't occur to me that it was a simple sorting issue. DOH!
| In my defense, I argue that existing data has been entered incorrectly
| because of the custom form... but I guess I should have realized this
| more quickly!

| Cheers!
| || Dear Milly:
|| I certainly *am* scratching my head!

|| Yes, I have closed and opened Outlook, and done so over several
|| days... still, the newly added contact is not available. And it
|| still doesn't appear in the "Telephone List" view, but *does* appear
|| in the address card view.
|| A detail which I didn't think to mention before, but may be useful to
|| someone knowledgeable, is that I am working with a custom form.
|| Thanks for any help!
|| Cheers!
|| Fred
|| ||| Have you closed Outlook (completely) and reopened it?
||| --
||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact.
||| ALWAYS post your Outlook version.
||| How to ask a question:
||| After furious head scratching, Fred Boer asked:
|||| I just noticed this morning, in checking for responses, that the
|||| original date of posting was incorrect (i.e. my computer date was
|||| set incorrectly). This was unintentional. Apologies...
|||| ||||| Hello:
||||| I am a beginner with Outlook. I have added a new contact, and wish
||||| to set up activity tracking using the Journal. I click on
||||| Tools>Options>Journal Options. I see older contacts in the "For
||||| These Contacts" listbox, but I do *not* see my newly entered
||||| contact. How come?
||||| Also (and perhaps connected...)..
||||| If I use the "Address Cards" view, the newly added contact is
||||| visible. However, if I switch to "Phone List" view, the contact is
||||| not there. Why?
||||| Thanks!
||||| Using Outlook 2003. Windows XP. Exchange server over VPN. I have a
||||| contacts list in my Personal folder and also a Contacts list in
||||| the set of Public folders.
||||| --
||||| Fred Boer - Amateur Access Enthusiast
||||| Interests: Library software / Z39.50 / Web Services
||||| Freeware Small Library Application available here: