Nic K.
We have a public contacts list, Outlook 2000, 850 entries,
15 distribution lists. I just tried to add a name to one
of the distribution lists and when i click 'Select
Members' the contact I want to add is not in the list. It
is however in my full list if I look directly into
contacts. I have tried deleting the contact, starting
again, copying an old one and changing the name, to no
avail. I have checked that the contacts are shown as an
email address book, and it is listed in the services (from
I don't know what else to try.... if anyone can help I
would be very grateful!
Many thanks for your time.
15 distribution lists. I just tried to add a name to one
of the distribution lists and when i click 'Select
Members' the contact I want to add is not in the list. It
is however in my full list if I look directly into
contacts. I have tried deleting the contact, starting
again, copying an old one and changing the name, to no
avail. I have checked that the contacts are shown as an
email address book, and it is listed in the services (from
I don't know what else to try.... if anyone can help I
would be very grateful!
Many thanks for your time.