new data user




by using user level security wizard i secure the data base by creating two
one user is new data user and onther user with all privliage to change design,

by the above methode the new data user can view the designing of tbale and
query in read only mode,
there is any way to prevent the view of the designing of table and queryies
for the new data user

any tips please
faisal riyadh

Joan Wild

No there isn't. The user needs to read the design in order to read the data.

You should lock down the frontend, so users can't easily get to the database window. Provide forms/reports for all data interaction.

Backup your database; you can easily lock yourself out playing around with these features.

Create custom menus/toolbars for use throughout your application.
Create a startup form (a main menu form if you have one) that is opened on startup.
Use the features in Tools, Startup to
set the startup form
set your default menu (the custom one you made)
disable all the checkboxes about allowing built in menus, toolbars, changes etc.
hide the db window (ensure the custom menu you create does not include the Windows, Unhide item)
uncheck the allow special keys (this will disable the F11 key, among others)

If you need to bypass these startup features, you can hold the shift key down while you open the db. If you feel that your users may use this to bypass your settings, you can disable the shift key bypass - there's an example in help for doing this(look for AllowBypassKey) or at

You can also create a MDE from your database, which will prevent changes to forms, reports and modules (If you do this, be certain to keep your original mdb in case you need to make changes).

Joan Wild
Microsoft Access MVP
: hi
: by using user level security wizard i secure the data base by creating two
: user
: one user is new data user and onther user with all privliage to change design,
: by the above methode the new data user can view the designing of tbale and
: query in read only mode,
: there is any way to prevent the view of the designing of table and queryies
: for the new data user
: any tips please
: faisal riyadh

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