The font and spacing preferences have been set in the Normal.dotm template.
one way to fix is first go to preferences and locate the item save
changes to normal and if there is a selection to ask whether to save
changes in Normal check that instead. Make sure it is checked.
Now in a open document Make desired changes. Now save as a dummy document.
should now ask whether you want to save changes in normal.
Choose Yes or click okay.
Now close Word2008. Locate dummy document you just created as its no
longer needed discard it and empty Trash.
Now next time you have to use a different set up then choose no when
asked question if you wan to save changes in normal. as long as you do
that your normal template will not be changed.
another method is to make changes then save as template file. Next
time open the template file and your changes will be there.
Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
Processor: Intel
Whenever I open a new document the Font comes up as Cambria, the Size comes up as 12 and the spacing is double spaced.
I'd like to change it so that whenever I open a new document the Font comes up as Bookman Old Style, the Size comes up as 14 and the spacing is single spaced.
Can't seem to figure it out. Any help would be appreciated.
Phillip M. Jones, CET |MEMBER:VPEA (LIFE) ETA-I, NESDA,ISCET, Sterling
616 Liberty Street |Who's Who. PHONE:276-632-5045, FAX:276-632-0868
Martinsville Va 24112 |
[email protected], ICQ11269732, AIM pjonescet
If it's "fixed", don't "break it"!
[email protected]