New document from existing - "lost macros"?


Michal kralik


I have empty document with one module and this sub:

Public Sub TestMessage()
MsgBox ("Test")
End Sub

This document is saved as doc1.doc (Word document - not template).
Now I choose File - New from existing and select doc1.doc so new document is
The problem is that I cannot see macro TestMessage in list of macros for run
(Alt+F8). If I open editor and i.e. change name of module or recompile
project - I can see that macro.
Where is the problem? I have to see it when new document is opened. I can
change the name of module (it probably invoke recompile) programmatically but
Truth access VBA project must be checked :-(
PS: I cannot use template (.dot)

Graham Mayor

Why can you not use a template? Documents are not templates. If you want
this to work save the document as a template.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Michal kralik

OK, this is simple example. in real "doc1.doc" has attached template with
macros. This template has digital signature so I cannot modify it.

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