new enterprise custom field not working in existing mpp



I'm using Project Server 2007. I created a new enterprise custom task/text
field with a lookup table. Then open the enterprise global and insert this
new field into an custom table I previously created. Close and re-open
Project Pro, and open an existing mpp, and select this table. I can select a
value from the drop-down list containing the selections from the lookup
table. If I save the project and re-open it the value I selected for this
custom field is not there in the mpp...the field is blank.

I can create a new mpp, select this table containing the custom field, and
select a value from the drop-down, save the project and re-open it...and the
value I selected for this custom field is there...the field is not blank.

Why would the selections for a new custom field be saved in a new mpp but
not an existing mpp....and how can I get this to work in an existing mpp?


Marc, great question. In trying to figure this out I created a new mpp and
all worked fine. I hadn't tried another existing project. So I tried a
couple existing projects and they work fine too.

The new enterprise custom field I created used to exist at one time but was
deleted. I created this new enterprise custome field naming it the same as
the deleted field...but pointing it to a different lookup table. The custom
table in Project Pro is the only table that used this custom field...and this
mpp was the only one to use this custom table or this custom field. Would
this mpp somehow remember the old custom field? and will not save data from
the new custom field that has the same name as the deleted custom field?

I just created a copy of this enterprise custom field, inserted this field
into the problem mpp, and selected values from the lookup table and saved and
re-opened the mpp. The values were saved and all worked fine. So it appears
this mpp does remember the old custom field and won't save data from a new
custom field with the same name. I wonder if there is a way to "erase" this
memory from the mpp so this new custom field will work? Have you ever seen

Marc Soester [MVP]

Jesse, by the sounds of it, it seems to be only this proejct, ( by the way,
in Project Server a project is actually not an mpp anymore since all the
information is saved in the databases. :) ).

Do you have any queue errors or event log errors regarding this project?

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