new Entourage not showing From properly for Jira generated emails



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

My company uses Jira to track software bugs. The Jira system generates email with a From of "First Last <[email protected]>. However, after upgrading today to the new Web Services edition, the From (still shows as above in OWA in a browser) shows ALL of the email as "Jira Daemon <[email protected]>" instead of showing the first and last name as it did before.

Is this a bug? I've looked all over the preferences to see if there's a setting I'm missing, but can't find one... and am about to roll back to a Time Machine backup of before this install, as these emails ONLY showed who touched the Jira issue as the From.


Adam Bailey

My company uses Jira to track software bugs. The Jira system generates email
with a From of "First Last <[email protected]>. However, after
upgrading today to the new Web Services edition, the From (still shows as
above in OWA in a browser) shows ALL of the email as "Jira Daemon
<[email protected]>" instead of showing the first and last name as it
did before.

What version /were/ you using? Do you have the Daemon in your address


My company uses Jira to track software bugs. The Jira system generates email
with a From of "First Last . However, after
upgrading today to the new Web Services edition, the From (still shows as
above in OWA in a browser) shows ALL of the email as "Jira Daemon
" instead of showing the first and last name as it
did before.

What version /were/ you using? Do you have the Daemon in your address

OOps, let's try replying here, not to the auto-sent email. :)

I was (and have rolled back to now) 12.2.1. I did not have the entry in my address book, but the new version seemed to want to place it there. I even tried to find the preferences regarding this, and did, but they were all un-checked. Yet Entourage kept wanting to add "Jira Daemon" back to my contacts.

Adam Bailey

What version /were/ you using? Do you have the Daemon in your address

OOps, let's try replying here, not to the auto-sent email. :)

I was (and have rolled back to now) 12.2.1. I did not have the entry in my
address book, but the new version seemed to want to place it there. I even
tried to find the preferences regarding this, and did, but they were all
un-checked. Yet Entourage kept wanting to add "Jira Daemon" back to my contacts.[/QUOTE]

Are you sure it's in your Contacts and not just your Most Recently Used
addresses list? If so, check your Rules.


Yes. (Contacts)
No. (MRU list)

No rules active when this happened. And rules can't change the From name like this.

Definitely a bug with this new version, just a stab in the dark here in case there was something (not so obvious) that I had missed.

Doesn't sound like it, so far.


And that's the problem. When retrieving mail, the new software ADDS this to my Contacts in Entourage, thus showing the name incorrectly because of this.

If I remove the contact entry, remove the Exchange account, add the account back, the entry (and the improperly labeled From) come back, like some incurable disease. :)

Adam Bailey

And that's the problem. When retrieving mail, the new software ADDS this to
my Contacts in Entourage, thus showing the name incorrectly because of this.

If I remove the contact entry, remove the Exchange account, add the account
back, the entry (and the improperly labeled From) come back, like some
incurable disease. :)

If you don't have a Rule or a Preference that is adding the AB entry,
then you have some kind of corruption. Try a new Identity.


Already tried a) verify database b)rebuild database and finally c)new identity.

Same results.

Tell you what, as hard as it is to believe, (and having to rebuild/fix/switch identities isn't a solution, its a workaround) this is a bug with Web Services Edition.

The last thing I did, last night, was start a system restore back to the hour before I installed this. I look forward to the new features of syncing with tasks and notes, but I should have waited until all the bugs were worked out.

I'll download/install again in a few months, Microsoft usually gets a new release right in SP1 :D

Adam Bailey

Tell you what, as hard as it is to believe, (and having to rebuild/fix/switch
identities isn't a solution, its a workaround) this is a bug with Web
Services Edition.

I haven't seen any other reports of EWS adding every sender to peoples'
address books. This problem seems unique to your installation.

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