New Feature Request: setting default values based upon xml element value


Jim Budde

Not sure if this has been posted before so my apologies if it has. Even if
it has been posted before, chock me up as another user who thinks this is

I would like to request the ability to reuse the Sharepoint list schema to
allow us to integrate InfoPath forms with more ease. I am currently
hand-rolling this on my own as I have other business logic in the form. I
have successfully pulled back the lookup values for the list's schema using
my own business object but I must manually set the form's default value
rather than setting it dynamically as I do the lookup values.

Basic logic goes like this:

Open Form
Get Lookup Values for STS list using business object
Fetch STS Schema and pull out choice fields to build my own xml doc to
return to InfoPath
While in InfoPath's design mode, set combo boxes to values by selecting
appropriate "<choices>" element in the xml doc.
Also while in InfoPath, I set the default value of these drop-down boxes via
the DataSource's element properties and hand-type a value in. It is this
last step where I'd like to be able to open the above mentioned XML document
and return the <choices><default> value so that if the default value of the
list changes, it propogates to my InfoPath form.



I second this request. I've got business and workflow logic built into a lot
of my forms, and consequently have to requery data sources from several
points in code. Unfortunately, this means I have to repeat all the rules and
OnLoad code at various points as well.


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