You can not add fonts to an "Application", you must add them to your
"Operating System".
Look up "Fonts" in the help for your operating system and it will explain
exactly how to add your new font. It will then be available in ANY
(You need to re-start each application after adding a font to ensure that
the font shows up. Usually it will, sometimes it doesn't. It can save a
lot of frustration if you simply re-boot!)
Now: Some tips for you and other people so you get better service in here

This place is like a bar, populated by people relaxing after work --
all over the world, it's "after work" somewhere
Now you know that, you will then immediately understand that if you burst
through the door shouting that you need help fast, most folks will put your
query into the "maybe later" box. If you want people to respond
immediately, telephone Microsoft and spend your $70.00 to talk to someone
who is paid to provide support -- nobody in here works for Microsoft (or
Apple). At least, if they do, they're in here after hours on their own time
and they'll only look at your query if you offer them something in return:
like fun
We support more than 20 versions of Microsoft Word and more than 12
operating systems in these groups. To be able to answer your question, we
need to know exactly which version and update level of Word, and your
operating system, that you are using. If you leave that information out of
your question, many folks will drop your question into the "maybe never"
bucket, because it's just too hard.
Hope we see you back regularly
i recently downloaded a font with free download manager but i don't know how
to add it to microsoft word. it's now in a folder, but i need help ading it
to word.
can anyone help me?!?
Don't wait for your answer, click here:
Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.
John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:
[email protected]