new hard drive. Need to keep using my office CD-R to run office



I isntalled a new hard drie and office works but evertime I open a document
it asks me to put in my office xp for small business CD-R. When I run setup
or try to uninstall (before reinstalling I get this message "This patch
package could not be opened. Verify that this patch package exists and that
you can access it. or contact the application vendor that this is a valid
Windows Installer Patcht package."

Any help would be appreciated.


garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Office does not like to be copied from one hard drive to another,
because that is one method a software pirate might use in order
to bypass the Office activation process. If you have your Office
XP CD and the 25-digit product key, then:
1. Download the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility from and install it.
2. Use the utility to delete the Windows Installer registry
entry for Office XP.
3. Reboot.
4. Uninstall Office XP by clicking on Start | Control Panel |
Add or Remove Programs | Microsoft Office XP | Remove.
5. Reinstall Office XP from the original CD.
6. Office XP Small Business is an OEM version, so you might
not be able to reactivate the software using the online
activation method. If this occurs, then use the telephone
activation method.

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