new instance of projectserver



Hi All:

Can anyone tell me how I can create another new instance of projectserver.

Thanks in advance

Marc S.


After running the EditSite tool for the first time make sure you test your
current site by selecting it in the list on the left and checking the 'Test'
button. You're likely to receive an error on your database connection,
caused by wrong entries for the MSProjectServerUser and/or MSProjectUser on
the right. Make sure to update the information on the right to avoid any
problems in production.

Hope this helps...

Marc S.



Thanks for your reply.

we have downloaded the edit site tool and
backed up our database
created a new instance
we have linked the new instance with the backedup database.
Url of new instance is working fine
but when we tried to login using the credentilas to PS its giving an error

"Project Server was unable to log you on at this time. Please try again
later. (5006)"

Please suggest me in this regard.

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