New isync capability????


Trevor Clark

I have a P900 and read that MS was going to release an update that allows
you to sync directly using isync 2.
Does anyone know where to get this or if it's not out yet, when it's coming?

Michel Bintener

At this time, syncing Entourage with iSync is not possible (at least not in
a straightforward way; it can be done through AppleScripts, though). I'd
suggest you search the Google groups for a discussion entitled "Palm Sync
after SP2"; you should find your answer in there. Anyway, here's the most
relevant bit, a post made by MVP Paul Berkowitz:

Trevor Clark

Thanks for the info.
Yeah, I'm aware of the solutions where you sync to address book and then to
entourage but as long as they're working on it, I'll just wait. Wish they'd
hurry though...

Thanks again

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