Hi Larry,
The equations are still objects and have some limitations, but they're also Word 2007 content controls and that's a different set of
limiting parameters, but the 'acetate' overlay for the portion of the equation you're in may be what is confusing, as is that what
Shift+Enter does can depend on where in an equation you are. When it acts as a new line creator you do get separate acetates so
that the alignment of different lines can be done on a selected character or by changing the margin controls for a line, but if you
delete the manually entered new line character note that the equation is again a 'single' one, which is the behavior you'd get
typing text in your document.
You can also set the Math correct options (Alt, T, A) to use the equation capabilities outside of a math region, so you can, for
example use an autocorrect shorthand in your document to write an equation that is not in a content control, then type a space or
punctuation and insert, on the same line an Equation object and add to that, then go to the end of that and type additional items.
Do you have an example of an equation you're wanting to create but can't?
Yes, that is the behaviour that i get but that is not what i want. I want to
stay in the same equation and move to a new line. As i add or delete items in
my equation i want it to go to different lines all in the same equation. I
don't care about alignment. Apparently in Word2007 every new line is a new
equation and the user must move items from one line to another as items are
added or deleted from an equation. <<
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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