New Mac Office User Needs Help



Sorry for the really dumb questions (I am new to Word Mac being a
former Windows Word user). I need help with how to do the follow in
Word 2004:

1. I have a word document. In it, I use lots of Excel spreadsheets
that are created in the document itself (I do not want external
sheets). I have a spreadsheet, all of which I want is visible on the
page. I then add several rows or columns with data and want them to
be visible also. How do I increase (or decrease) what portion of the
spreadsheet is shown in the word document?

2. Table of contents- I want to add a table of content entry field
manually (not with styles, etc.). In word windows I could just
highlight the item, then hit control alt O and the entry box would pop
up and let me put in whatever level, etc. How can I do this easily
with Word Mac?

Thanks much for any help.

John McGhie

1) When you asked this before, our foremost Excel expert told us that
resizing the inserted Excel object can't be done without hacking some
computer code.

2) In Mac Word, the "control + alt" combination is "Command + Shift +
Option", so Command + Shift + Option + O will get you there.

For best service in here, make your Subject heading concise and
descriptions. Many of the real experts in here scan this group and many
others very quickly, stopping to open a question only if the subject
indicates they are likely to be able to answer it.

The fact that you need help does not distinguish you from the rest of us in
here, and if the experts are busy they will skip your post, perhaps meaning
that the only person who could have answered it, has skipped it.

For the same reason, one Subject = one Question. None of the experts will
open, let alone read the whole of, a post if they do not see something in
their area of expertise in the first few lines.

Hope this serves you better!

Sorry for the really dumb questions (I am new to Word Mac being a
former Windows Word user). I need help with how to do the follow in
Word 2004:

1. I have a word document. In it, I use lots of Excel spreadsheets
that are created in the document itself (I do not want external
sheets). I have a spreadsheet, all of which I want is visible on the
page. I then add several rows or columns with data and want them to
be visible also. How do I increase (or decrease) what portion of the
spreadsheet is shown in the word document?

2. Table of contents- I want to add a table of content entry field
manually (not with styles, etc.). In word windows I could just
highlight the item, then hit control alt O and the entry box would pop
up and let me put in whatever level, etc. How can I do this easily
with Word Mac?

Thanks much for any help.

Don't wait for your answer, click here:

Please reply in the group. Please do NOT email me unless I ask you to.

John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. S33°53'34.20 E151°14'54.50
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:[email protected]


Thanks for your thoughts and am sorry I did not follow the protocol. I
actually was not asking the same question as before. I found a
workaround to that issue. I did a poor job of asking question 1.
Let me ask again in a different way. With a worksheet in word, how do
you define what items (rows and columns) actually show up in the word
document, how do you change it, etc.?


Well, let's try this one more time :)

If you insist on creating a *new* Excel worksheet object in a Word doc you
simply have *no* say-so other than to use Columns A-E & Rows 1-10, period,
end of story. That is the "bug" you yourself referred to in an earlier post.

Short of the programmatic approach suggested by John McGimpsie your only
other option - aside from using the Windows software - is to create the
Excel worksheet, copy the content & in Word use Edit> Paste Special> MS
Excel Worksheet Object. That will give you the embedded worksheet of
whatever content you copied and will open in Excel when dbl-clicked just as
though you had created it as you are accustomed to doing in PC Word. It will
also display however many columns & rows will fit on a single "page" -
neither PC Word nor Mac Word can allow linked/embedded objects to span a
page break. The workbook from which you copied can then be disposed of.

I realize it is a _different_ technique than that to which you are
accustomed, but it really isn't any more difficult, time-consuming or
inconvenient if you have your apps available in the Dock - you're just
clicking an Excel icon *there* rather than on a toolbar or Ribbon in Word.
The only _real_ difference is that once you create the Excel data you have
to select & copy - which is nothing more than clicking in the name box,
typing the range reference, press return, Command+C -or- click the corner
cell, Shift+Command+LeftArrow, Shift+Command+DownArrow, Command+C -or- click
one corner cell of the range, shift+click the diagonally opposite corner,
Command+C... And any of these 'processes' take but a second or two.

Good Luck |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Thank you to all of you for your help and patience. I did not see my
question about what shows in the word document as being linked at all
to my earlier questions, but now I understand from your explanations.
I have concluded, given the large volume of worksheets I must include
throughout large documents every day, that Office 2007 is superior and
much more productive than these extra steps, and will run it in
Parallels (have been using Office 2007 since it came out in beta and
love it but had hoped to go all Mac) until the new Office 2008 comes
out and hope it is more like 2007. The MVP help is really great and I
appreciate that all of you are here. Best regards.

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