New Mail Envelope Has Disappeared From Notification Area



I made the mistake of right clicking and hiding the new mail envelope in the
notification area, now I can't get it back. I tried the recommendations from
a previous thread on this (i.e. right click on start, go to properties, go to
taskbar, customize, and make sure that the "new message" is set to "always
show", doesn't fix it. A couple of notes on that, I can't get there without
turning on the "hide inactive icons", then customize. Moreover, I notice
ithat all of the new mail notification related icons have the wrong pictures
next to them. What is going on and how do I get my new mail notification
envelope back in the notification area when new mail arrives?

Roady [MVP]

Tools-> Options-> tab Preferences-> button E-mail Options...-> button
Advanced E-mail Options...-> option Show an envelope in the notification

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-What do the Outlook Icons Mean?
-Create an Office 2003 CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 1


YOU ARE THE MAN! I am sure that this was beyond remedial for you and a
complete waste of time, but I really appreciate it, particularly the quick

You-are-the-man, have a nice weekend.

Roady said:
Tools-> Options-> tab Preferences-> button E-mail Options...-> button
Advanced E-mail Options...-> option Show an envelope in the notification

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-What do the Outlook Icons Mean?
-Create an Office 2003 CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 1

MB said:
I made the mistake of right clicking and hiding the new mail envelope in
notification area, now I can't get it back. I tried the recommendations
a previous thread on this (i.e. right click on start, go to properties, go
taskbar, customize, and make sure that the "new message" is set to "always
show", doesn't fix it. A couple of notes on that, I can't get there
turning on the "hide inactive icons", then customize. Moreover, I notice
ithat all of the new mail notification related icons have the wrong
next to them. What is going on and how do I get my new mail notification
envelope back in the notification area when new mail arrives?

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