New Mail not showing up till the screen is refreshed.



Hi all,
I have a maddening problem that I need help resolving.
Outlook 2002 on exchange 2003.
Hardware is a P4 with 250Mbs RAM
I am not seeing new mail untill I refreash the screen some way. If I hit
send/recieve, new mail doesnot show up in my in box till I click on another
folder eg contacts then click back. Once I do this the new mail (sometimes
sent hours ago) appears. It is not an intermittent problem.

K. Orland

It most likely isn't an Outlook issue. It's usually a problem with UDP
packets not getting through from the server to the client (new mail
notifications are sent as UDP packets). Is there a firewall between the
server and clients? Are the clients running XP SP2?

The reason that it updates when the user clicks on another folder is you are
forcing a connection from the client to the server to update/refresh the
folder, so the mail count is updated as well.

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