My new mail notification is set to display for 30 seconds when I receive and
email. However, it does not 99% of the time. Since I got Outlook 2007 on my
new machine in October, I have received new mail notification 3 times,
total... My inbox does not auto-refresh when I do not get the notificaiton
either, I have to click on another folder and then click back on inbox to see
the messages that I have received. I only know about the new messages
because the number in () changes. However on the 3 occations I did receive
the notifications; the inbox DID refresh itself. Even my IT guy is at a loss
and seems to think is is because I have two monitors, but i've had two
monitors as long as I've had OL2007 and it HAS worked 3 times. Please
email. However, it does not 99% of the time. Since I got Outlook 2007 on my
new machine in October, I have received new mail notification 3 times,
total... My inbox does not auto-refresh when I do not get the notificaiton
either, I have to click on another folder and then click back on inbox to see
the messages that I have received. I only know about the new messages
because the number in () changes. However on the 3 occations I did receive
the notifications; the inbox DID refresh itself. Even my IT guy is at a loss
and seems to think is is because I have two monitors, but i've had two
monitors as long as I've had OL2007 and it HAS worked 3 times. Please