New mail


Kelli McCann

When a new email comes in it shows it has already been opened. It doesn't
show the envelope as unopened and yellow, it shows it open.


Are you using the Reading Pane? If so, you may have it set to mark as read
when using the reading pane.

Kelli McCann

Yes, but for example if I am away from my desk and 5 new emails come in they
should all look like they are un-read but when I come back they are all


in message
Yes, but for example if I am away from my desk and 5 new emails come
in they
should all look like they are un-read but when I come back they are

Only the currently selected item would get marked as read. For the
others to get marked as read means that you probably have a rule defined
that marks them as read. Check your rules.

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