New Normal is Time New Roman, how can I set this to Arial


Big Mac

When Word crashes and a new has to be created it creates it wtih
Times New Roman. How can I set this to create it in Arial. We couldn't set
the deployment to Arial due to other corporate constraints, but we set it
subsequently with a script to our corporate Arial font - which is easier to
read for people with visual impairment.

Graham Mayor

You can't. The default will always have Times New Roman. If you
want something different you will have to change it. In any case to maintain
corporate standards you should be using document templates rather than to produce your company documents.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Big Mac

Thanks for your reply
We are using templates for all corporate standard letters and they are all
set in Arial. The problem is that when users start a new document from
scratch it may be in TNR and we want to standardize on the non serif font for
those with visual difficulties, even internally. We have used a logon script
to change the normal style in the to Arial but this is only run
after deploying Office 2003. We may have to run it on a regular basis to
reinstate the Arial font. I was just hoping for a registry fix.
Thanks anyway

Graham Mayor

Unfortunately for you, the default fon't isn't set in the registry, but in
The other possibility is to allow Word to create a new, change
the default font, then save it. When you wish to renew for a
user, then simply copy this non-standard to the user's profile.
Better still a little training for users not to create documents from might be a plan?
As an aside, the perceived wisdom is that serif fonts are easier to read
than non-serif fonts?

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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